Lääkärin sosiaalinen vastuu ry

Haetaan ulkoista evaluaattoria Nigeria-hankkeeseen


Lääkärin sosiaalinen vastuu ry:n Nigerian kouluterveyshankkeeseen haetaan ulkoista evaluaattoria. Hakuaika umpeutuu 23.11.2014

Lisätietoja ja hakumenettely liitteessä sekä alla:

IPCIP_TOR_External_Evaluation (PDF aukeaa uuteen ikkunaan)

The application should contain: 

1. Cover letter and CV explaining qualification, experience and competence of the consultant.

2. A Work plan (including field visits and report submission)

3. Financial Proposal –The financial proposal shall show clearly the breakdown of costs (professional charges, travel, per diems and any other possible costs).

Qualified candidates should submit their proposal by 23rd of November 2014 to the following address: nigeria-ipcip@lsv.fi.

The proposals will be evaluated according to technical qualification and budget.

Additional information about the application process can be requested from: reetta.leinonen (at) lsv.fi .