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Physicians for Social Responsibility – Finland

Physicians for Social Responsibility – Finland (PSR Finland) was founded in 1982. Today it unites more than a thousand current and soon-to-be Finnish physicians, dentists, veterinarians.

PSR Finland’s mission is to raise awareness in the medical community on global ethical and social matters, and to promote safe livelihoods, equality and peace.

The organization is non-partisan and independent of companies and any commercial entities that could endanger the professional integrity of physicians. PSR Finland does not accept financial support from the medical or pharmaceutical industries.

PSR Finland is an affiliate of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) and a part of Health Action International (HAI).

The central work of PSR Finland consists of: development cooperation, peace promotion, and social responsibility in healthcare.

Join us and become a member of PSR Finland or support our work on socially responsible health care in Finland and globally.

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Mental Health project in Somalia

According to WHO, Somalia has one of the highest mental health prevalences worldwide. However, public mental health care service provision remains sparse, with a limited amount of trained mental health care professionals, low public capacity and lacking community mental health care services.

PSR Finland’s mental health project in Somaliland, the northern region of Somalia, will increase the access of people to community-based mental health services. The project will also promote the adoption of a human rights based approach and increase public awareness on mental health issues to decrease the stigma and discrimination against people with mental disorders in Somaliland.

To support the sustainability of the intervention and to promote the long-term development of the mental health care infrastructure, the project will increase the capacity of health care officials to promote mental health from a human rights perspective.

PSR Finland’s Mental Health project in Somalia is supported by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland. The project is implemented in Somaliland by a local NGO: Assistance and Volunteer Organisation (GAVO). GAVO has 20 years of experience in working with mental health in Somaliland.

Get involved! For more information about our mental health project contact: Programme Manager Elina Tuusa, elina.tuusa@lsv.fi

Tuberculosis programme in Somalia

Tuberculosis continues to be one of the most central health problems in Somalia. Rather than fading, especially bacterial strains with resistance to drugs seem to become more prevalent, making the disease increasingly dangerous and more difficult to treat. The expert knowledge and added value of PSR Finland’s work in Somalia lies particularly in the diagnosis of multi-drug resistant (MDR) disease cases through cultivation and drug sensitivity assays. The strengthening of the local capacities in relation to MDR diagnosis requires committed long-term efforts.

In addition to the laboratory focus, PSR Finland treats patients with tuberculosis according to the WHO-recommended DOTS protocol in Hargeisa and Mogadishu. The diagnostic work and the treatment results have been encouraging thus far, but new cases are continuously diagnosed. Meanwhile, the real number of infections in the area is estimated to be considerably larger than the number of confirmed cases. As part of the DOTS protocol, patients are also tested for HIV in the clinics.

PSR Finland’s intervention in Somalia is supported by: the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. In addition, the foundation Nummelan parantolan tutkimussäätiö supports the project. Private donations are critical for our work.

Get involved! For more information about our tuberculosis programme: Programme Manager Elina Tuusa, elina.tuusa@lsv.fi

Social Responsibility in Healthcare

PSR Finland advocates for a just and sustainable healthcare system in Finland. We critically assess the relationship between physicians and the medical industry, emphasizing the need for transparency in healthcare. We stress the right of all people to high-quality healthcare.

In our programme for undocumented migrants’ health (PapeTe) we pursue for equal rights to healthcare for all. We support the undocumented migrants’ access to public services. Together with other organizations we increase patients’ knowledge of their own rights and skills to improve their state of health.

PapeTe programme offers information and advice about the healthcare of undocumented migrants for patients as well as professionals working in social and healthcare. Also, we do advocacy work and cooperate with other NGOs in large networks in Finland, the Nordic countries and Europe. The programme is funded by the Funding Centre for Social Welfare and Health Organizations (STEA).

For more information about the PapeTe programme:
Advisor Aino Tuomi-Nikula (aino.tuomi-nikula@lsv.fi, +358 44 744 0014)
Coordinator Reetta Piri (reetta.piri@lsv.fi, +358 40 171 5332)

The helpline for undocumented patients and social and healthcare professionals is open on weekdays from 9am to 3pm.
Call: +358 44 744 9932

Peace Promotion

PSR Finland is a part of the Nobel Peace Prize awarded organization International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW). PSR board member Kati Juva is IPPNW’s International Councilor. PSR Finland is also a member of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons. The mission of this long-term work is the abolishment of all nuclear weapons.

We advocate for Finland to become more active in promoting an international agreement banning nuclear weapons. PSR Finland delegations regularly meet representatives of the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Finland to discuss disarmament issues.

PSR Finland’s peace work also addresses armed violence that undermines health and security. We participate in international campaigns and congresses to prevent small arms violence. PSR Finland has published several books on nuclear weapons, small arms and disarmament.

Get involved! For more information about our peace work: board member Kati Juva, juva.kati@gmail.com